Vintage Moroccan Boujad Rug

Vintage Moroccan Boujad Rug


Mid-20th Century Colourful Hand-Crafted Wool Rug From Morocco

Original handmade piece with a wonderful colourful design and contrasting textures within the design.

Wonderful amount of wear to the piece no stains, there is a historic hand-stitched repair which is carefully and well done so that it doesn’t detract from the piece. Ever so slight fading and wear from its years of use which is quite delightful.

Would work well in a variety of settings within the home.

Each rug sold at hutt is a vintage one-off piece this is numbered 65 purely for my own cataloguing purposes.

Dimensions 140cm x 205cm

The rug will be carefully packed and sent within the UK for £10, International delivery is available.

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